June 3, 2020

eCommerce Returns Management

This is Chapter 11 of 13 in our eBook on eCommerce Fulfillment for 3PL Warehouses. See the link below to download the full ebook. Returns Management, also known as Reverse Logistics, is another value-added service that the warehouse may handle for an eCommerce client. There are various Returns Management programs that a warehouse can establish. Some warehouses process all returns for all sales channels for a retailer or manufacturer. Others may only manage returns for the orders that they originally shipped. The retailer or manufacturer may issue an RMA (Return […]
April 2, 2019

Thoughts from the Boeing 737 Max 8 Saga

As an avid traveler with a fascination with airplanes, I have found this Boeing 737 Max 8 saga to be incredibly intriguing. For those who are unaware, last year Lion Air had a flight crash within 15 minutes of takeoff. Black Box data showed the plane nose rising and falling as pilots were fighting to climb. What we have since discovered, the pilots were actually fighting against the airplane. 4 months later, Ethiopian Airlines had a flight that also crashed while flying a relatively new 737 Max 8. The whole […]
October 9, 2018

Quick Message Regarding Hurricane Preparation

Most Importantly:  Make sure everyone is safe including your staff, families and those in our area of influence. Other Preparation: Bottle and contain good water from your home before the storm approaches and leave the store water for those who really need it. Be sure to have a Radio with new batteries.  When TV and Internet are not available, you may need to rely on the radio for weather updates. Help your neighbors and those who might not be able to prepare themselves.  
January 17, 2018

Case Study: Winchester Cold Storage – Count Backs

Background: Winchester Cold Storage provides food grade freezer and temperature controlled storage solutions. At one point in history the company was the “Largest Apple Storage in the World!” As such, the company’s facilities provide an unusually large capacity of controlled atmosphere storage where temperature, humidity, oxygen and other room conditions can be monitored and controlled. The Challenge: Accuracy and automation in the receiving operations was looking for improvements.  Winchester’s accuracy numbers were excellent at 99.8%.  However there is always room for improvement. The inaccuracies occurred when shipping 5, 10, 20 cases to […]
November 28, 2017

Are You Managing the Project or Is the Project Managing You?

In the early stages of a startup business things can get crazy with everyone wearing multiple hats.  There is a “just get ‘er done…” culture.  But as the business grows, formal processes need to be developed and smart businesses look for systems that can help support their growth. In a 3PL operation, Business Management Solution (BMS) is the term given to a software application that often provides at least 2 key components, a Warehouse Management System, and an Accounting System. A WMS is important to manage inventory, process receipt and […]
November 21, 2017

A Checklist for Your Next Warehouse Operations Meeting

Love ’em or hate ’em, we all agree that meetings are a necessary part of doing business.  In addition to getting a shared understanding on subjects, meetings also allow for productive idea generation, team collaboration and task assignments. The good news is that meetings can be more productive, fun and highly effective if you follow a few simple guidelines. Below is a list of best practices to follow during your meeting setup. Give them a look and try out the checklist for your next meeting. Purpose Is the meeting necessary? […]