December 11, 2017

The Road to Automation

You get into work a little late, it happens, but you had to get that fancy coffee.  You plop down at the same old desk: family photos, cat calendar, black computer screen.  Today, you don’t reach out for the power button on the monitor, but lean back, prop your legs up, and take a long satisfying sip.  Maybe years ago you would have been frantic to organize the morning activities, review the inbound orders, load balance your pickers, print your paperwork, and round up the team.  Your mornings are much […]
November 1, 2017

The 5 Most Important Words in 3PL Warehousing

To an outsider, 3PL warehousing may seem like a fairly simple business.  You have stuff stored in a building.  Someone tells you to ship some of the stuff, which you do in a merrily way. Then you get more stuff and put it away temporarily until someone asks you to ship that stuff.  Easy!  Well there’s obviously a lot more to it.  We’ve prioritized 5 areas that we think should be part of every successful 3PL warehouse.  No, you do not have to take a vocabulary test on these but […]
January 5, 2017

How To Know if Your 3PL WMS is Working For You?

Warning: All systems are NOT Created equal. Wondering if your WMS is really working for your business? You are not alone. The 3PL supply chain industry has exploded over the past decade with an increasing number of logistics partners serving a variety of industries. The days of picking the best software solution for your warehouse from a quick Google search are over. How can you possibly choose which provider is the best fit for your warehouse without defined requirements? Even worse, how do you know if you chose the right […]
January 2, 2017

TBT- The Evolution of Camelot

Throwback Thursday: You can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you’ve been, and like most kingdoms, the 3PL industry is constantly evolving with new technologies, trends and updates. This Thursday, Camelot is taking at a look at our history by throwing it back to the very beginning. The legendary King Arthur led the kingdom of Camelot in a time and place of idyllic happiness. For centuries scholars have debated the precise location of Camelot and said, “Camelot, located nowhere in particular, can be anywhere.” But the modern […]