This is Chapter 4 of 13 in our eBook on eCommerce Fulfillment for 3PL Warehouses. See the link below to download the full ebook.
The next step in the fulfillment process is to pick the inventory for the orders. The process of picking orders from storage may vary. This process will happen after the orders have been batched. Some operations may use a pick aisle as the packing station, where the timing can be more independent. However, for the purpose of this chapter, we will assume the picking is happening after the batches are created. Picking eOrders from storage locations into a staging area can be done in a
few ways.
Batch Picking
is defined as picking a collection of orders together, bringing all of the products to a central staging area, and then sorting each product per order at a packing station. In this method, a single picking ticket is printed per batch and a group of packing lists are also printed for that batch. It is also possible to batch pick a group of batches together. For example, the warehouse may determine it is more efficient to pick an entire shift worth of orders in a single coordinated batch, and then the packing stations would separate the picks into separate smaller batches and then single orders.
Cluster picking
is a methodology of grouping orders together, pre-assigning an order to a pick container/ tote, grouping a batch of order totes onto a cart, and subsequently picking one product at a time, and placing the item into the respective order containers as needed, before moving on to the next item in the batch. In this method, a combined packing list/picking ticket is printed, assuming the packing list ships with the product, the client may require the approval of a combined format. If not, then separate picking tickets and packing list documents may be printed. In cluster picking, the picker is performing some of the work for the packing station to reduce steps later.
Wave Picking
is the methodology of batching orders together and then splitting the picking into different zones. Each picker will pick the products that are within their respective zone, and return all of the products to the packing station, to be combined with the products from other zones, to complete their orders.
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