February 10, 2020

Principles of eCommerce Fulfillment

This is Chapter 1 of 13 in our eBook on eCommerce Fulfillment for 3PL Warehouses. See the link below to download the full ebook. We’ve identified six key principles that should be considered with 3PL eCommerce fulfillment operations. The objective is to constantly work on creating a smarter, repeatable process. Each decision that is made needs to respect and adhere to the following principles: Drive System Automated Decisions Reduce manually entered data All work is performed in batches Find opportunities to consolidate steps together Account for value-added services Isolate exceptions […]
January 29, 2020

The Wide World of eCommerce Fulfillment

The retail landscape has been undergoing a massive transformation for the past decade. Online purchases have hit an all-time, with consumers purchasing $517.36 billion worth of goods and services online with U.S. merchants in 2018. This is a 14.2% increase over 2017, showing that it’s not about to go away any time soon. Although, with total retail sales in 2018 at $3.628 trillion, eCommerce is still only 14.2% of overall retail purchases. In 2017, eCommerce represented only 12.9% of retail purchases. So this shift of 1.3% to eCommerce this past […]
December 6, 2019

How Digital Innovation is Changing Industrial Storage

As long as people use things, others will continue to make them. It’s the basic economic concept of supply and demand. Making and using things requires storing them as well as all the components along the way. Sorting and tracking those components, from raw materials to finished items, spare parts to toolkits means that someone must quickly and efficiently find out where what is needed can be found. A variety of digital tools can help industrial entities maximize their storage of all components needed. Looking forward, some more exciting possibilities […]
September 6, 2019
Digital Transformation 3PL Warehouses

Digital Transformation for 3PL Warehouses

The term Digital Transformation has been around for several years. But only in the last couple of years has digital transformation become less of a buzz word and more of a game-changer.  What is digital transformation? And how does digital transformation for 3PL warehouses apply? How did the idea of Digital Transformation get started? The concept started over 30 years ago with organizations “computerizing” processes.  Then as computing power increased and costs dropped, companies began connecting their internal systems and trading partners to leverage data on their own activities.  Once […]
June 3, 2019

Managing Expectations

Now that it’s summertime, we can all relax by the pool and eat ice cream, right? For those who worked hard this spring, it’s a great reprieve. But for those of you hungry for a share of the eCommerce wave during the holiday season, this is the time to start organizing and managing expectations on key projects. Set high but realistic goals A common problem in many businesses is trying to take on more projects than can reasonably be handled at one time, or quicker than can realistically done. Quite […]
April 3, 2019

How to Implement New Software (Part 2)

For most companies, the goal of implementing new software is to become better, faster, and more capable of handling growing business demands.  In the last blog post, we looked at the five W’s that help to set expectations for a successful software implementation.  We will now delve into HOW to successfully implement, and identify several key success factors for every project. Functional Requirements – When you’re in the market for new software, you will likely have at least a few main goals to accomplish.  You will discuss these goals with […]